sejarah sejarah sejarah
nowadays i updated my blog all is about SEJARAH!!damn damn damn damn damn

i thought she will come in class to check homework de..
but she din't check also..

then all lega larh~

then she just keep giving all the weird question gain..
folak folak folak
ft..she ask a question then i answer CORRECT
her face very very near to me...
wat bey luu..
shock me!!
luckily larh she din call me to stand up..
if not wait & see!
hate the teacher..
but she quite NICE mood today..
call us to read sejarah for the next class nia..
no need to do note..
we all so happy arh!!!
but the MOST happy is..
when she finish the class she told us..
she NOT COMING for this friday!!
all giler dy lorh~

after that i very very sad larh~~~
my bm lisan..
i ard hafal but when i go out infront teacher i cant say anythings..
teacher say will give me very LOW marks..
charm sei..
teacher very unfair..
she give other people re-do again but she din't give me...

today make she sad larh i know..
i am so sorry larh..